
Automate Document Exchange Directly from Your CRM

Cloven CRM integrates directly with SideDrawer. This means that creating SideDrawers, sending Info Requests, and adding Collaborators can be embedded in your CRM workflow.

See it in Action

How Do I Securely Exchange Documents from my CRM?

  1. Sending docs by email is insecure and prone to mistakes
  2. I don’t want to re-request docs I’ve already received
  3. I want to automate this as part of my onboarding process
  4. I don’t want to switch screens/tabs to accomplish this

Step #1

Install the SideDrawer enhancement into your Cloven CRM.

The SideDrawer enhancement is 100% included for all Cloven users. With the click of a button, install best-practice workflows directly in your CRM.


Step #2

Connect to your SideDrawer account through Zapier

A secure connection with SideDrawer is needed. To do this, Cloven uses the industry-leading connector, Zapier.

If this sounds complicated- don’t worry- we do it for you!

Note: A separate Zapier subscription is not required.

Step #3

Sit back, and watch your doc exchange on auto-pilot

With the setup complete, now the fun can begin!

Use the standard drop-down to automate standard doc exchange actions in your SideDrawer.

Bonus: use Cloven’s field updates to automatically modify this drop-down based on key moments in your process.


Step #4

Quickly Access SideDrawer Portal

Some advanced doc exchange actions must be done in SideDrawer.

To help with this, we offer a “Quick Access” to your client’s SideDrawer dashboard directly from the CRM!

 Here’s Why Teams in Canada Are Using Cloven


“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Massimo and his team at Cloven, and I can confidently say that their CRM software is by far the best in our industry.”

Jake Sheehan, Life Design Systems


“Cloven has been a game changer for our business…we used another provider the past 10 years, and have received more from Cloven in the first 6 months than from the previous provider over the 10 years.”

Adam Bornn, Managing Partner, Parallel Wealth


“Through working with the Cloven team, I’ve been able to automate key customer touchpoints. Not only has this saved me time, but it’s led to countless upsell opportunities.”

Cory Greenspan, President, Rockfield Financial


“With Cloven, I can be confident that I’m following up with each client appropriately and no-one is falling through the cracks. It provides the system to allow us to scale our business.”

Austin Wassink, Principal Advisor, Hometown Life Insurance

Ready for an integrated CRM experience?

You’re minutes away from taking Cloven for a test drive:

  1. 100% free and get access within minutes
  2. Explore the SideDrawer integration for yourself
  3. Sample data to mimic a live deal flow
  4. The easiest and fastest way to learn about Cloven
Enter your details to get instant access to a free demo account

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